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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Check or credit card tax deductible forms-Print out and mail back with your donation


Mr. Kurt Barnes, Treasurer
The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society
of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the USA
815 Second Avenue
New York, NY 10017-4594

Dear Mr. Barnes:

I hereby give to the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of
the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America
a gift in the amount of ____________. As a preference, though
not as a condition of my gift, I suggest that it be used for the
program or purpose designated as follows:

Support of the Mission Personnel Program, Young Adult
Services Program and Erika Almquist .
(Name of missionary)

Donor's name and address

Signature and date

Make checks payable to: DFMS or the Episcopal Church USA
Mail to: Yanick Fourcand
Mission Personnel
The Episcopal Church Center
815 Second Ave.
New York, NY 10017
Date _________________

Mr. Kurt Barnes, Treasurer
The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society
of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the USA
815 Second Avenue
New York, NY 10017-4594

Dear Mr. Barnes:

I hereby give to the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of
the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America a
gift of $_____________per month for the period of ______________
to ______________(or a one time donation of $___________) to be
charged to my credit card. As a preference, though not as a condition
of my gift, I suggest that it be used for the program or purpose
designated as follows:

Support of the Mission Personnel Program and/or Erika Almquist’s ministry. (name of missionary)
Credit Card Type _______________________

Credit Card Number ___________________________

Expiration Date ______________________

Your signature __________________________ Date________________

Your Name __________________________________

Mailing/E-mail Address ________________________________

Telephone _______________________________________

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